Zero Tolerance Policy for Parents and Spectators
Bloomington Youth Hockey (BYH), in alignment with our hockey affiliations, enforces a Zero Tolerance Policy. Any violation of this policy is considered detrimental to the program and will result in disciplinary action. The policy applies equally to players, coaches, parents, and spectators, both on and off the ice, at any BYH event or gathering.

Parent and Spectator Expectations
Parents and spectators are expected to:
Exhibit Sportsmanship
- Show respect for players, coaches, managers, officials, and fellow spectators at all times. Practice good sportsmanship and lead by example.
Follow the 24-Hour Rule
- If a concern arises, parents or guardians will wait 24 hours before contacting a coach or other representative. Phone calls are preferred over email or text for addressing concerns.
Adhere to Guidelines
- Act in accordance with BYH Parent Expectations, as well as the rules of USA Hockey, CUHL, CSDHL, AHAI, NIHL and other governing bodies.
Unacceptable Behavior for Parents and Spectators
Parents and spectators shall not:
Use Inappropriate Language
- Use abusive, obscene, or vulgar language towards anyone at any time at the rink, including entrances, parking lots, or related facilities.
Engage in Negative or Discriminatory Behavior
- Taunt, bait, ridicule, or threaten (verbally or physically) any player, coach, official, or other spectator. Engage in behavior or language that is racist, sexist, or exclusionary.
Enter Locker Rooms
- Approach or enter any locker rooms (home or away) before, during, or after a game, except for parents/guardians of younger teams who may assist players with dressing/undressing. Safesport-trained staff, such as team managers, are also permitted.
Record in Locker Rooms
- Use recording equipment (cameras, video cameras, cell phones, or other devices) in any rink locker room at any time.
Throw Objects
- Throw any object in the spectator viewing area, players’ bench, penalty box, or on the ice that could create a safety hazard.
Return After Ejection
- Return to the facility after being ejected from a game or event.
Engage in Physical Aggression
- Participate in or incite fighting, aggressive physical contact, or abusive behavior at any BYH event, whether during practices, games, tournaments, or special events.
Disciplinary Action for Parents and Spectators (Per AHAI Rule 22.1.14)
Game Disruption
- If parents or spectators display inappropriate or disruptive behavior that interferes with the game or the experience of others, the on-ice officials will stop the game and identify violators for removal.
Removal from Viewing Area
- Once removed from the viewing area, play will resume, but lost time will not be replaced.
- Parents or spectators who are removed for inappropriate behavior will incur a mandatory minimum 5-game suspension from the team’s games. They may also face further disciplinary action from the local governing body.
Review by Rules & Ethics (R&E) Committee
Referral for Review
- Any parent or spectator in violation of AHAI's Zero Tolerance Policy will be referred to the BYH Rules & Ethics (R&E) Committee for further review and potential disciplinary action.
Suspension Authority
- The R&E Committee has the authority to suspend parents or spectators as deemed necessary.
- Any decision may be appealed in writing within 24 hours of the ruling. The R&E Committee will review the appeal and, if necessary, involve the BYH Board. The decision of the BYH Board is final