2024-25 Infection Prevention Guidelines
Based on current CDC guidelines, players and/or coaches who have been diagnosed with, or have symptoms suggestive of Covid-19 or other illness with fever (i.e. respiratory or GI related) will adhere to the following protocol:
1) Player/coach with illness should be isolated until 24hours fever free WITHOUT fever reducing medications AND symptoms improving
2) after this period of isolation player/coach can return to team activities**
**player/coach should still take precautions for 5 additional days to prevent virus spread by doing the following:
A. avoiding close contact in locker room unless absolutely necessary during this time period
B. infected players must wear mask unless on ice/bench for 5 days
C. coaches should mask at all times during this 5-day period while coaching on and off the ice
D. ALWAYS WASH HANDS and take general preventative measures to prevent virus spread